
LIN Borong
Tel: 86-10-62785691
Fax: 86-10-62770314
E-mail: [email protected]


Integrated Energy System and Energy efficiency design, Green Building  Technology and Evaluation System, Regional Climate and Heat Island  Simulation, Urbanism and Energy Efficiency



Bachelor of Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1999

Doctor of Philosophy in Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning  Engineering, School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 2004


School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Professor and Asst. Dean (12/2012-now), School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University

Associate Professor (12/2007-now), Dean Asst. for Research, Institute of  Building Technology Research, Dept. of Building Science, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University

Assistant Professor (05/2006-11/2007), Institute of Building Technology  Research, Dept. of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University

Postdoctoral fellow (06/2004-04/2006) Institute of Building Technology  Research, Dept. of Building Science, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University

Research Fellow, POLITECNIC DI MILANO, Italy, (02/2003-08/2003)



1.“Embodied Energy in Chinese Buildings: Developing an Approach to  Assess the Life Cycle Impact of Building Construction, Operations and  Decommissioning” (2009-2010), Deputy Coordinator, Supported by Energy  Foundation

2.“Analysis for the Investigated Energy Consumption Data of Large-Scale  Public and Governmental Buildings” (2009-2010), Deputy Coordinator,  Supported by Energy Foundation

3.“Quantitative Research for the Landscape structure and Space  Arrangement for the Outdoor Thermal Environment” (2009-2011), NSFC  Project, Chief Coordinator

4.“Research for Evaluation Standards and Guideline for Green Campus  after Earthquake” (2008-2009), Deputy Coordinator, Supported by Energy  Foundation

5.“Analysis for the Investigated Energy Consumption Data of Large-Scale  Public and Governmental Buildings” (2009-2010), Deputy Coordinator,  Supported by Energy Foundation

6.“Urban development and Energy Efficient Policy”(2008-2009), Deputy  coordinator, Supported by CCICED(China Council for International  Cooperation on Environment and Development)

7.“Development Strategy for Green Buildings in China”(2007-2008), Deputy  Coordinator, Supported by Energy Foundation

8. Key project of State 11th-five year (2006-2010) plan: Design method  and simulation software development for building energy efficient  design, Key Researcher

9. Key project of State 11th-five year (2006-2010): Research for Heat  island control and landscape technology, Sub-Coordinator

10. Key research Project supported by Beijing Government: “Envelope  energy saving technology for large-scale building” (2006-2008),  Sub-Coordinator

11. State 10th-five Key project (2004-2006): Key technologies for green  building, Key Researcher

12. Beijing Key research Project: Low Energy Demo building and  evaluation system for new built building (2003.10-2005.3), Key  Researcher

13. European Committee Project: Asia-Pro-ECO (2003.10-2006.5), Key  Researcher




Built Environment: 32 hours

Eco Design Studio: 96 hours

Building Details: 8 Weeks


Simulation for Built Environment and Energy Efficient Design, 32 hours  for graduate students

Building Physics: 48 hours

International Green Architectural Course (for International Graduate  Student)



1. Excellent Young Scientists Fund supported by NSFC( National Science  Fund Committee), 2012 (First and the only supporter in Architecture  Discipline at national arrange)

2. 1st Award of Excellent HVAC Design (China Architecture Association)  (Ranked 2, 2012)

3  National Green Building Originality Innovation 1st Award (Ministry of  Construction) (2011,2007,2013)

4. Key Qualified Personnel Supported Plan of Tsinghua University (2006)

5. Excellent Post-doctor of Tsinghua University (2005)

6. Beijing Science and Technology 1st Award (ranked 5, 2005)

7. Excellent Architectural Design 1st Award of Ministry of Education  (ranked 7, 2005)

8. Excellent Design Award of 1st China Green Housing Design Competition  (2002)

9. As advisor, Student Competition:

10. 2007 Taida Solar Architecture Design Competition, 1st Award (1) and  3rd Award (1)

11. 2007 Green Architectural Design Competition (China Merchant Property  Development), 1st Award (1) & 3d Award (4)

12. 2008 International VELUX Award (2nd Award)



1. Vice Chairman of Green Building labeling Committee, Ministry of  Housing and Urban &Rural Construction, 2008.11-

2. Vice Secretarial of Beijing Green Building Council

3. Vice Secretarial of Beijing Sustainable Council

4. Green building Consultant for Shenzhen Building Energy Research  Centre (2006.4-2008.4)

5. Expert for State Environment Protection Agency Evaluation Centre

6. Expert for Beijing Environmental Protection and Energy saving Centre

7. Moreover, Dr. Lin is the invited reviewer of several international  Journals including Environment & Building, Building and Energies, Asia  Journal of Architecture and Building Engineering, Journal of Wind  Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics and Building Simulation. And Dr.  Lin is the Organization Committee of EERB2009 and the Session Chairman  of several International conferences



Journal papers

1. Borong Lin, Xiaofeng Li, Yingxin Zhu, Youguo Qin Numerical simulation  studies of the different vegetation patterns’ effect on outdoor  pedestrian thermal comfort, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial  Aerodynamics, 2008 (SCI 0167-6105)

2. LijingGu, Borong Lin, DaojinGu, Yingxin Zhu, An endpoint damage  oriented model for life cycle environmental impact assessment of  buildings in China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 53 (23),2008-12: 3762-3769  (SCI 377NJ)

3. LijingGu, Borong Lin, Yingxin Zhu, DaojinGu, Mingxing Huang, JiaziGai,  Integrated assessment method for building life cycle environmental and  economic performance, Building Simulation,2008, 1:169-177

4. Chunhai Xia, Yingxin Zhu, Borong Lin, Building simulation as  assistance in the conceptual design, Building Simulation,2008, 1:46-52

5. Xia  Chunhai, Zhu Yingxin, Borong Lin. Renewable energy utilization  evaluation method in green buildings. Renewable  Energy, 2008, 33(5):883-886. (SCI 9768396)

6. Borong  Lin, Gang Tan, Peng Wang, et al. Study  on the Thermal Performance of the Chinese Traditional Vernacular  Dwellings at Wannan Area in Summer: Field Measurements and Data  Analysis. Energy and Buildings. 36(1): 73-78, January, 2004 (SCI  0378-7788, EI 03467726332)

7. Yingxin ZHU, Borong LIN. Sustainable Housing and Urban Construction  in China. Energy and Buildings, v 36, n 12, December, 2004, p  1287-1297(SCI867TY,EI 04438415276)

8. X.H. LIU, K.C. GENG, B.R. LIN, Y. JIANG. Combined Cogeneration and  Liquid Desiccant System Applied in a Demonstration Building. ENERGY AND  BUILDINGS 36 (9): 945-953 SEP 2004(SCI 847IG, EI 8224379)

9. Li L, Li XF, Lin BR, Zhu YX. Improved k-epsilon two-equation  turbulence model for canopy flow. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT 40 (4):  762-770 FEB 2006 (SCI018KY)

10. Liu, Xiaohua; Li, Zhen; Jiang, Yi; Lin, Borong. Annual performance  of liquid desiccant based independent humidity control HVAC system.  Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol: 26, Issue: 11-12, August, 2006. pp.  1198-1207 (SCI 00376-5)

11. BR Lin, ZQ Zhang, XF Li, YX Zhu, Numerical simulation study on the  effects of fountain on around thermal environment, Proceedings: Building  Simulation 2007, September 3-6, 2007, pp23-30

12. BR Lin, XF Li, YX Zhu, A new simulation system for radiation  calculation when opaque and half transparent objects exist together,  Proceedings: Building Simulation 2007, September 3-6, 2007, pp1097-1102

13. GuLijing, GU Daojing, Lin Borong, Zhu Yingxin. Study on the effect  of different envelopes on life cycle environmental load of residential  buildings, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. 2007, 14(sup.):  pp431-434(EI)

14. BR LIN, YX ZHU, YG Qin and Y Jiang, Research and application of  GOBAS for sustainable buildings in China, Proceedings of 1st AIK  Sustainable Building Workshop, Seoul, Korea, 2006, Mar. 2


1. Building Energy Consumption White book, China Architecture and  Building Press, 2007.3

2. Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings”, China Architecture and  Building Press, 2005.12

3. Implementation Manual for Green Olympic Buildings of 2008, Beijing”,  China Architecture and Building Press, 2004.3

4. Assessment System for Green Olympic Buildings of 2008, Beijing”,  China Architecture and Building Press, 2003.9

5. China Eco-housing Rating Handbook”, 2002.10

6. China Eco-housing Rating Handbook”(2nd version), 2003.10

7. Technical guidance for Green Building evaluation standard, Ministry  of Construction, 2007.4-2007.8

8. Evaluation Standard for Green Building, Ministry of Construction,  2005.8-2006.1

9. Evaluation Standards for Green Buildings in Beijing, Construction  Committee of Beijing, 2004.7-2005.3

10. Eco-housing technical certification standards, SEPA (State  Environmental Protection Agency)

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